We have extensive experience of both the in-house and outsourced administration markets. We advise scheme Sponsors, Trustees and service providers on how to address fundamental issues of administration strategy, such as:
Is an In-House or Outsourced solution most appropriate and which delivers the best value and service to members?
Is your outsource provider delivering value for money ?
How should service delivery be measured and benchmarked?
What role should member self service play and how can scheme members best engage with this, alongside more traditional methods of communication?
Is there a clear roadmap for service delivery in place and how will it be monitored & executed?
Cosan Consulting provides a range of services to help clients address these issues, such as business analysis and requirements gathering, operational design, project management, transition support and provider evaluation. We have a strong, experienced team on hand to assist you and we pro-actively get involved to make things happen. Where there are problems with an existing service provider, we can also help. Our natural inclination is to work with providers and clients to help understand issues and resolve them - 'Fix rather than Fire'.
Inevitably there are some occasions where it is not possible to resolve issues with the current provider and in this case we offer a uniquely focused provider review service designed to ensure that any issues are addressed and to create a long term, mutually beneficial relationship in the future.